You are here: 11. Micronet 2.8 Mobile Applications > 11.7. FIELD SERVICE Menu > 11.7.1. Field Service - Jobs > Job Materials > Maintaining Assemblies Used on a Job > Editing an Assembly
Editing an Assembly

You can edit the items that make up an assembly used on a job, or you can edit the quantity of a particular item in an assembly. Note that this is not a global change; it will only change the contents of the assembly for this particular job.

  1. Display the Job Materials screen.

Refer to "Job Materials".

  1. Select the assembly item that you want to edit.
  2. Select the Edit button on the bottom toolbar.

Micronet displays the Edit Assembly screen.

  1. To change the quantity of the item used in the assembly, tap in the Qty field and enter the required quantity.
  2. To add an item to the assembly:
  1. To remove an item from the assembly:


  1. When you have finished editing items in the assembly, select the Back button on the Edit Assembly screen.

Micronet redisplays the Job Materials screen.

  1. Continue processing the job.

Refer to "Job Materials".